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The full paper submission closed on the 31th of December 2022.


Please find below the PowerPoint Template for the paper presentations of the 13th Conference on Learning Factories. A time slot of 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions/discussion) is allocated for each presentation. Please upload your presentation via ConfTool from 10 April 2023 until 23 April 2023 (deadline). If your presentation exceeds the maximum upload size of 20 MB (e.g. due to high-resolution videos), please upload a version with reduced file size as a backup for the conference.









General guidelines for full paper submission:

  • The submission of full papers is done via the conference tool ConfToolPapers sent by mail, direct e-mail, or fax cannot be accepted.

  • Paper authors whose abstracts are accepted, need to submit their papers as soon as possible after abstract acceptance.

  • Authors are invited to submit paper using the provided templates either in Word or Latex.





  • Each paper should consist of a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages (including references and appendix).

  • The papers must be submitted in English.

  • The conference proceedings will be published on

For submission of full paper
please go to  the

Review process

  • Papers will undergo a double-blind review process, therefore please remove your institution, Learning Factory name and funding statements in your full paper for review purposes.


  • Each paper will be allocated to at least two reviewers of the Scienitfic Committee


  • Feedback from the reviewers will be communicated via ConfTool and additionally  via e-mail to the authors.


  • We aim to run a fair and unbiased review process, and are open to comments and suggestions. However, due to the limited timescales available, Reviewer and Conference Chair decisions regarding your submissions must be accepted as final.


  • Note that reviewer comments may require rework to the paper, and authors need to plan accordingly.


  • Final accepted camera-ready papers need to be provided via ConfTool for publication in the Conference Proceedings by the 19th of March 2023 the latest.


  • Papers that are not accepted or do not make the publication deadline, will be removed from the Conference Proceedings.


  • Failure to register as a delegate by the presenting author will automatically imply that the paper will neither be included in the Final Program nor printed in the Proceedings.


  • The registration includes the publication of one paper. For any additional paper contribution an additional fee will apply.

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